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Meet the Partners: University of Iceland

Story Makers

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

We are Dr Rannveig Björk Thorkelsdóttir, who is an associate professor in drama and theatre education and Jóna Guðrún Jónsdóttir who is an adjunct lecturer in drama and theatre education both at the University of Iceland, School of Education. The School of Education is the leading institution in education studies and well-being in Iceland and has an important social role regarding the education of teachers, social educators, leisure professionals, sports and health scientists as well as pedagogy and education studies. At the school of Education, we train teacher trainees both the ones who will become drama specialists and others who will become regular teachers. The aim of the specialization in drama is to promote the skills of teacher trainees in drama. Students both learn the basics of drama and theatrical expression with an emphasis on creative approaches to learning and teaching. In the Icelandic national curriculum (2013), drama is presented both as subject and as a method of instruction. In the curriculum guide, drama is an arts subject aiming at the method of the theatre but also as a pedagogy supporting the students’ learning processes in other subjects. Drama works both as a template for learning in general, and as a subject. We both have extensive experience in working with collaborative and research projects, ranging from teaching and learning in higher education to working on democracy and citizenship in a pedagogical and didactical context. We are in our research and practice focused on drama and artistic approaches to teaching and learning.

We believe that arted is very much related to our core values at the School of Education and a opportunity to work with Art-based methods and artistic approaches to teaching and learning.

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